Rotary moves forward
by Byron Higgin
After a two-month absence, The Grantsburg Rotarians have floated hope and pontoons in an effort to get their “help others” platform once again afloat.
Using mask-wearing, distance-spacing, Pandemic-fighting methods, the Rotarians Tuesday night revealed a new slate of officers, then took a ride on pontoon boats on Wood Lake to celebrate their return.
The gavel was passed from President Dr. Steve Bont to incoming President Lynn Carlson.
Calling this past year the most unusual in history because of the Pandemic that caused the club a first-ever two-month layoff, Bont stepped down from the leadership post to allow Carlson to take the reigns.
Also elected as First Vice President to succeed Carlson next year was Bob Rombach, founder and manager of The WE ARE Network in Grantsburg.
The Rotarians, which operate under the creed of, “Service Above Self”, have a record of raising funds for community and out-of-community projects, as well as supporting the community and local school district.
Continuing their roles into the new year are secretary Ted Knutson and Treasurer Larry Stotz.
The meeting was held at Thoreson Park on Big Wood Lake and was followed by the pontoon rides on the lake.
Rotary is an international organization that operates on the Rotary Four-Way Test that includes:
—Is it the Truth?
—Is it fair to all concerned?
—Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
—Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Carlson, in his acceptance speech, told the club he has been the Rehab Manager at Burnett Medical Center since 2014.
Previously he had his own business, managed three centers, and practiced occupational medicine in Tucson, AZ, and worked for the Marshfield Clinic and Lakeview Medical Clinic in Rice Lake, WI.
He said he has enjoyed being a member of the Grantsburg Rotary Club and now it was his turn to step up and take the lead.
Rotary meets at noon every Tuesday at the Crex Convention Center at T-Dawgs Restaurant and Carlson has been in charge of planning and scheduling weekly speakers and events for the local Rotary Club.
What is Rotary?
Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who come together to make positive, lasting change in communities at home and abroad.